Spin-off COMAN: Financing round completed!

Financing round worth millions concluded

COMAN continues on course for success

COMAN Software GmbH was founded in 2018 as a spin-off of inpro and has been on the road to success ever since. The company, which offers an innovative solution for “object-oriented project management”, completed another financing round worth millions at the beginning of 2024. Existing investors such as bmp Ventures are involved, as is a well-known family office from the automotive industry.

Established software solution in the automotive industry and beyond

Future prospects: project management in the industry

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Innovation table: Smart CAE robotics

With the Innovation Table "Automation & Robotics", inpro has set a central topic focus for partnership innovation projects in the coming years. CAE solutions for the planning of intelligent robotic systems are an elementary component of the digital factory of the future and at the same time a prerequisite for more sustainable automotive manufacturing.

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